Prof Julius Kipkemboi is a member of staff of the Department of Biological sciences, Egerton University. He holds a BSc in Botany/Zoology (Egerton University, Kenya-1995), a Master of Science in Environmental Science and Technology (IHE Delft, The Netherlands- 1999) and Ph.D. in Environmental Resources(UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education/Wageningen University, The Netherlands-2006). He served as the Dean, Faculty of Science from 2015-2019 and currently he is an associate professor at Egerton University and Director of Examinations and Timetabling. He has engaged with the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO in promoting Bioethics in Kenya since 2007. Since 2007 he is the coordinator for the UNESCO Regional Bioethics Centre and the UNESCO Bioethics chair at Egerton University and now a member of UNESCO Board. Kipkemboi has attended several trainings on ethics such as the UNESCO Ethics teacher training (2007), Assisting Bioethics committee training (UNESCO ABC, Nairobi-2011) and Training of Training on ethics teaching (UNESCO-,Paris- 2015). He is also currently serving as a member of the National Bioethics Committee(NACOSTI) and the chair of Egerton University Research Ethics review committee. He has been involved in several collaborative projects European Union INCO-DEV, ECOLIVE, MaraFlows among others and has won scholarships and grants such as NFP fellowships, Marie curie individual fellowship programme and International Foundation for Science. He has attended several workshops on Bioethics locally and internationally. Recently he was involved in a study on Hospital Ethics Committee survey Kenya. Mr. Kipkemboi has supervised several undergraduate and post graduate students and has contributed to global scientific knowledge platform through scientific publications in Environment and Bioethics. Mr. Kipkemboi is also a lead expert on EIA/Audit and also is member of several associations such as Bioethics Society of Kenya, Eastern Africa Water Association (EAWA) and the Kenya Red cross Society.