A holder of Bachelor of Education degree, Master of Education in Educational Psychology, Master of Arts in Early Childhood Development, Dr. of Educational Planning, and management certificates. She has taught at high school level and works with the commission for UNESCO in Kenya as deputy director programmes in Ethics of Science and Sports. She is a member of the Bioethics Society of Kenya and the National Bioethics Committee. She has conducted several studies and conducted capacity building as well as sensitization in diverse fields related to her area of work. She has attended and made presentations at both local and international conferences. She runs programmes on early childhood development especially in aspects of education. She is also an author of one book, edited a number of books and published in peer-reviewed journals as shown below.
Nyakundi, Orpha. (2013). Crush the Junk: Overcoming Alcohol and Drug Dependency. Sahel Books Inc. https://www.amazon.com/Crush-Junk-Overcoming-Alcohol-Dependency/dp/9966169369
Nyakundi, O., Nyagah, G., Kalai, J., & Munayi, S. (2020). Influence of Parental Involvement on Learning Outcomes at Public Early Childhood Centres in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice, 4(3), 26. doi:10.47941/jep.458. https://www.carijournals.org/journals/index.php/JEP/article/view/458
Nyakundi, O., Nyagah, G., Kalai, J., & Munayi, S. (2020). Influence of Head Teachers’ support strategies for slow learners on Children’s Learning Outcomes at the early childhood Centres in Nairobi City County, Kenya. International Journal of Research and innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 4(6), 2454-6186. https://rsisinternational.wordpress.com/2020/07/18/influence-of-head-teachers-support-strategies-for-slow-learners-on-childrens-learning-outcomes-at-the-early-childhood-centres-in-nairobi-city-county-kenya/amp/
Nyakundi, Orpha et al (2019). Hospital Ethics Committees in Kenya. A situational analysis of their existence and ethical dilemmas in selected level four to six hospitals. Revista Redbioetical UNESCO. Red Latino Americana y del caribe de Bioetical UNESCO. Ano 10, 1(19), enero-junio de 2019.
Ramadhan, Leonard & Kipkemboi, Julius & Nderitu, David & Muhudhia, Stephen & Ongoto, Joel & Nyakundi, Orpha. (2020). Hospital ethics committees in Kenya: a situational analysis of their existence and ethical dilemmas in selected level four to six hospitals. 10. 159-170. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338792148_Hospital_ethics_committees_in_Kenya_a_situational_analysis_of_their_existence_and_ethical_dilemmas_in_selected_level_four_to_six_hospitals